Current Plant Promotions

Lavender stoechas 'Red Star' -  Dark pink "rabbit-eared" flowers with pale pink bracts appear from spring through summer above silver-gray, needle-like foliage. It has a better growth habit than Lavender 'Kew Red'. Hardy to zone 7.
Hebe speciosa 'Variegata'  -  This flamboyant evergreen shrub has light green leaves with  broad creamy margins. Bright magenta flowers fade to lavender, and appear from June to August. It is often used as a seasonal focal point in containers. Hardy to zone 8.
Armeria 'Dusseldorf' -  Deep rose-pink, global flowers grace this compact evergreen perennial from spring into summer and again in fall. Perfect for the alpine or rock garden. Hardy to zone 4.
Gaillardia  'Goblin' -    This easy front of the border charmer features large yellow and red flowers. Drought tolerant and carefree, it has a nice dwarf habit. Hardy through zone 3.

Phlox paniculata 'Flame Coral Red' -  Large, fragrant, coral-red flowers appear from July to September. Phlox makes a terrific cut flower, perfuming your home with a sweet scent. The dwarf habit of the Flame series makes it a good selection for growing in containers. Mildew resistant. Hardy to zone 4.

Heucherella 'Tapestry' -  Blue-green, evergreen foliage changes to green with dark centers and dark veins in fall and winter. Warm pink foamy bells bloom profusely in spring. Hardy through zone 4.
Abelia 'Kaleidoscope'  -  The variegated leaves emerge yellow with light green centers. White tubular flowers bloom in fall. A stunning addition to any garden. Plant in full sun for best foliage color. Hardy through zone 6.

Open for Business

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM PST


3839 SW Golf Course Road
Cornelius, OR 97113


(503) 357-2904
(800) 257-0719
(503) 357-2392
(800) 239-5926